Mistério da Horta | Garden's mystery - Escola Missão Continente - a children's book which tells the story of a Beetroot who will discover why its vegetable friends are missing from Mrs. Amélia's garden.
This book is part of "Story time" - an initiative of Escola Missão Continente (Sonae) to bring themes like health and food habits to the little ones at school.

Client: Escola Missão Continente
Author: CEIDSS - Centro de Investigação em Dinâmicas Sociais e Saúde
Author: CEIDSS - Centro de Investigação em Dinâmicas Sociais e Saúde
Projected developed with Faz MOSSA
Designer & Illustrator: Maria Carlos Cardeiro
Project Director: André Mateus
Project Manager: Inês Menezes
Project Manager: Inês Menezes
Print run: 10.000 copies - Sustainable printing.
October 2021